District Visit To West Midlands
On the last Saturday of January some dozen or so West Lancashire Allied Masons made their way, on a particularly damp morning, southward on the notorious M6 smart motorway to Burton on Trent to attend the Annual Meeting of the District of West Midland. We arrived at the venue Ashburton Masonic Hall after an eventless journey with enough time for a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich before taking our seats in the Lodge Room at 11:00 o’clock for a 11:15 start.
Ashburton Masonic Hall, Burton on Trent
The District Grand Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother Barry A. Jones Past Grand Standard Bearer called the meeting to order and the Right Worshipful Brethren entered in processional order followed by Right Worshipful Brother Clifford Howard Bull District Grand Prefect for the District of West Midland and his team of District Grand Officers.
The Right Worshipful District Grand Prefect opened District Grand Council and the first Item of business was to remember those of our Brethren that had been called to Higher Service. After the roll call of District Grand Officers and the Councils of the District the District Grand Prefect introduced the guests from other Districts including the Brethren from West Lancashire led by Worshipful Brother William Lawrence Richmond Past Grand Junior Deacon Deputy District Grand Prefect.
After several items of an administrative nature the next item on the agenda was to appoint a Deputy District Grand Prefect. The District Grand Director of Ceremonies formed an escort and Worshipful Brother Joseph Patrick Anthony McCollum Past Grand Standard Bearer was presented to the District Grand Prefect and Obligated, Invested and Installed as Deputy District Grand Prefect. The new Deputy District Grand Prefect was saluted by the Brethren of West Midlands.
The District Grand Prefect appointed and invested the District Grand Officers for the ensuing year after which the District Grand Prefect addressed District Grand Council. A collection for Charity took place.
West Lancashire Delegation
The business of District Grand Council completed the District Grand Prefect closed District Grand Council. The District Grand Director of Ceremonies called the Brethren to order whilst the District Grand Prefect and his District Officers retired in processional order.

The Brethren adjourned to the bar lounge for a refreshing pre-lunch drink, lunch was a rather delicious three courses followed by coffee in pleasant surroundings and with excellent company. The District Grand Prefect in his response to the toast to his health thanked all those involved in today’s proceedings and the toast to the visitors was well received. The labours and refreshment being over we made our way to the car park for our homeward journey, neither the weather nor the smart motorway had improved.

Report and photos by Ernie Gavan